At the end of every semester students graduate and leave the school. The staff of Snowdrift is not exempt from this. As good as it is for students to be leaving for bigger and better things, the Snowdrift staff is left very low on people. As a result, the search is on for new people to join the staff.
Anyone who has previous experience with writing of any kind is welcome to join the newspaper. Writing experience can be anything from writing for a highschool newspaper or just personal journals. Anyone and everyone is welcome.
If writing is not a strong suit, any student with photography or web design experience is also welcome. The Snowdrift Staff very much needs new people to manage the website and take on the task of managing the paper’s layout. Two things which can be tedious, but never difficult.
Sandra Cox, head of Snowdrift says, “It’s not only a fun class but it is a great resume experience. As a member of the Snowdrift staff you will be published and have a professional web presence.”
Aside from learning how to write articles and put together a page layout, Snowdrift is a great place to socialize and make new friends.
The Newspaper Production class is available to all and has no limit to the amount of students that can join. Sandra Cox is also available in her office Monday and Wednesday from 10AM to 11AM, and Tuesday and Thursday from 1PM to 2PM.