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Volleyball Intramurals


Emil Garcia


The Snow College gym is buzzing with excitement as students from across the campus come together for the highly anticipated COED volleyball intramurals. This semester, students are eager to serve, set, and spike their way to the top while showcasing their skills and teamwork.

The volleyball intramurals are open to all students regardless of experience level and are a staple in Snow College’s intramural sports lineup. Teams are a balanced mix of male and female players, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and competition.

Games are played every week starting at 7 pm. and ending at 11 pm. This allows students to have the opportunity to build friendships, work on their fitness, and participate in an engaging, fast-paced sport that fosters teamwork and strategy.

 According to Kimber Reeve, member of the Sugar and Spike Team, “One thing I love about team sports such as the volleyball intramurals, is that every serve, every set, and every rally is a chance to build stronger connections, lift each other up, and achieve success together.”

The popularity of the COED volleyball league is attributed to the inclusivity and accessibility of the sport. 

Many students find the relaxed atmosphere of the intramurals as a refreshing way to de-stress from daily school life, as stated by former Snow College Student Angela Garcia 

“The volleyball intramurals were a fun way to decompress from doing homework, and it was a fun activity to do with my friends.”

Participants come with varying levels of experience, from those who played competitively in high school to newcomers who just play for fun. The Snow College Activities Center will see action-packed games where fierce spikes and friendly handshakes come together in the spirit of sportsmanship and unity.


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