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Learn to Set SMART Goals

Sandra Cox

Hyrum Hatch makes a list of goals during some down time in class. Photo by Sadie Cox.

Making goals is an important step to accomplishing what someone wants. A goal can be anything that may take a little extra work to get done. SMART goals, a way to set a goal, is an acronym commonly used to make goals that are achievable. SMART goals start with “S” for specific, “M” for measurable, “A” for attainable, “R” for Relevant, and “T” for timely. Making a SMART goal starts with making it specific. A goal has to be something specific that students want to achieve. This can be wanting to run a seven-minute mile or getting an essay in on time. A measurable goal is a goal Badger’s have a time limit to complete. Goals that are measurable can be done in a certain amount of time, which can be motivating. Attainable goals are goals that students are able to accomplish. Being honest and realistic is the most important part of making an attainable goal. Relevant goals are goals that make sense to set for oneself. For example, saying “I want to graduate from Snow College” is relevant because it will help current students in the bigger picture. Lastly, timely goals are goals that have to be done by a specific date. Timely goals can give a timeline of how progress is going and will help students be responsible for getting a goal done by a specific time. When making goals, remember to be patient when goals aren't achieved the first time. Remember it’s okay to fail. Badger Anthony Knowles shares his insight on how it feels to accomplish a goal, “For me, it feels good because it made me feel like I accomplished what I set out to do.”


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