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Hope Corps Paves a Path

Sandra Cox

Camila Cardinali poses in front of business building. Photo by Ashlee Rhoades.

Hope Corps is an internship program setup by Utah Community Builders, a team at the Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce. It helps different students to find paid internships that will help get them to their career goals.

Steffine Amodt, Hope Corps Intern Coordinator, says “Hope Corps began as a pandemic response to help replace lost internship opportunities as well as help revitalize the community. Hope Corps has since shifted to a long term approach of helping small businesses by implementing better mental health policies and family friendly policies in the workplace. Hope Corps also focuses on upward mobility initiatives such as training for higher or better positions.”

They look for four to ten interns per year. Students with good communication, flexibility, the ability to work remotely, and help provide feedback to different employers should consider this opportunity. Hope Corps places interns with different companies, both on and off campus.

Amodt says, “there are several benefits to being a Hope Corps intern. Of course there is the pay, but I feel a more valuable benefit is being able to network with some amazing business leaders in the state. It gives students a way to contribute to social issues that are very influential to our future.”

Snow College intern, Camila Cardinali, explains how working with Hope Corps to intern with the Small Business Development Center has provided her the opportunity to be a part of something bigger. “There are many aspects I like about my internship, but I feel the one I like the most is the people I got to meet and help these past semesters. I met and heard about so many astonishing ideas and stories from different people that opened my eyes in a way I never expected when I first got the internship. I got to learn through them about hard work, being persistent, ambition, and how to grow and be a better person.”

To learn more about Hope Corps students can reach out to the Career Center here on campus to get help.


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