November is known as a time of thanksgiving, but it is also a time to give back. Sir Timmy the Templar, Manti High School’s Mascot, chose to do just that.
In an attempt to raise awareness and do some good for others, Timmy invited other high schools including North Sanpete, Wasatch Academy, and Gunnison Valley to participate in a food drive. Together these high schools chose to team up and compete against Snow College to see who could raise the most money, or collect the most food for the Sanpete Pantry.
Students, staff, faculty and the community were invited to donate what they could. Overall the total raised for the challenge was $9041.23 to aid the Sanpete Pantry, with the Badgers raising a total of $1146. The Sanpete Pantry supplements Buster's Pantry once a month to help students who may be struggling.
These funds will go towards making kid packs for administration and faculty to give to kids who may otherwise go hungry after school. These packs consist of two breakfasts and two lunches with a snack.
According to Brianna Powell, the mascot advisor for Timmy, “the hope is that this becomes a yearly competition and the trophies associated with it can be passed from winner to winner.” This is the type of event that everyone can have a part in, and hopefully find a way to give back and help others.
Whether it be participating in a food drive, or some other type of service activity, Badgers are encouraged to do what they can to reach out and help others. Take a break from the stress of school work, and try to serve those around you.